Tango Laboratory (daily 6:30 -7:30 p.m.):

With our tango lab, we want to provide a platform for exchanging tango knowledge and ideas. Let's puzzle and practice together! Ask any clever or stupid question and/or explain your own tango concept!

Every evening there is a lab in the main hall. Parallel a body work lab takes place in the small hall - with tango-related topics. 

The lab is free for all camp participants!

Main Hall
Body Work
Small Hall
Sat 21|7|2012 Ulrike Nootz & Beate Düerkop-Scheld (Frankfurt/Bonn)
Taking Space - Giving Space
How do I fill my own space and respect the space of my partner at the same time? What is make myself too big / too small? How do I get the perfect balance between the two roles?
Irmgart Barth (Heidelberg)
Everybody who can breath, can practice Yoga, too. We indulge in one hour of tradtional Yoga elements, deep relaxation, breathing, sun salutation and selected Asanas. After that you'll dance even better ;-))
Irmgard Barth is project manager, economic mediator and coach in Heidelberg. She practices Yoga for 14 years and teaches since 2009.
Sun 22|7|2012 Bernd Laudowicz (Bremen)
Argentine Folk Dance No. 1, is danced in pairs face to face, is wonderfully spirited and cheerful, with some hints of flamenco and wild roaring pampa bulls ...
Till Zehnder (Basel)
Shiatsu & Structural Alignment
The Shiatsu massage technique is based on the traditional Chinese medicin. Similar to acupuncture, blockings in our body will be solved via the meridian system also supporting our self-healing process.
Structural alignment aims to release tension differences in the fascial net and in the muscles through deep and vigorous massage of the connective tissue and to realign lack standing joints.
Mon 23|7|2012 Eric Ludmann (Heidelberg)
With or Without Socks - Barefoot Tango
Which sort of foot contact can turn every dance into a foot massage? Ochos for ichy feet - Di Sarli is lured out of the floor. Be curious... and careful with your feet - then they will love to carry you.

Valerie Pellet (Lausanne)
Moving in other circles
Using Body Mind Centering and Gaga, we will work with our bones. You can find more space within your body, be more aware of your movements, feel more flexible and free and eventually awake your entire body. An intensive experience of the little structures of the body and a great warm-up for the milonga.
Tue 24|7|2012 Gerold Fiedler (Munich)
Spontaneous Steps
My lab will deal with the question how spontaneous different steps and combinations can be danced.
Looking closer at the follower's back ocho, we will show, investigate, inspire, practise...
Sarka Provaznikova (Prague)
Alexander Technique & Hatha-Yoga
As a teacher of the Alexander technique I find very rewarding using the basic principles of the AT in any exercises, dance or any type of movement. The quality of any activity is improved with an invaluable effect. You learn how to understand the body and mind connection with greater awareness and harmonise breathing with movement through the meditative frame of mind.
Our overloaded shoulders, neck pain, stress and tiredness will be cared for.
Wed 25|7|2012 Claudia Kratzheller (Amsterdam)
Dynamic Silence and Musical Hands
Zu zweit entspannen und im Puls des Tangos Körperarbeit geben und empfangen. Muskeln lockern und Gelenke geschmeidig werden lassen, schmelzen unter den Händen...
(um z.B. die Beine für Voleos zu lockern, die Schultern zu entspannen, - durch Hingabe an die Berührung sich selbst zentrieren). Abschliessen mit Dynamischer Stille (wie SAVASANA im Yoga, aber mit Tango-musik)
Johanna Grünenberg (Berlin)
Where does your shoe pinch?
Groundedness, flexibility and musicality offer you trust and self-assurance opening a door to a sensitive perception of yourself and your partner.

Linked to the ground - the power coming from your feet / Good groundedness on the floor / Harmony between breath and movement / Turning the vibes of the music into movements
Thu 26|7|2012 Eddy Schiebner (Nortrup)
It really extists - the original Tango of the people! Coming in 2/4 beats, it can be danced to wonderful pieces of e.g. Canaro, Tipica Victor, Lomuto and old Di Sarlis. With Canyengue people are happy on and around the dance floor. Even THE voice of Argentina, Carlos Gardel, danced that style.
Nostalgic and quaint, non-elegant and funny - a real contrast!
Quick, funny legs, simple and basic, intimate and physical. More Tango than Tango!
Martha Ryluga (Aachen)
Yoga for Dancers
Yoga is good for stretching and relaxation as well as for reinvigoration.
I have been practising Yoga since 2004 and teaching for two years. My exercises is influenced by traditional Ashtanga Yoga, the Yoga-Vidya school, Kundalini Yoga and special Yoga for Tango dancers from BsAs.
Fri 27|7|2012 Kai Linder (Freiburg)
Inner Pictures in Tango
When dancing Tango, we are usually inspired by the music, other couple's style of dance, the light and the space to move. Additional to these outer stimuli we could also be guided by inner pictures.
Together we want to develop an idea on how to use these images to enrich our dancing. This lab idea was inspired by a wonderful seminar of Maria Mondino & Ismael Ludman at the Tango Alchemy in Prague 2012.

Eddy Schiebener (Nortrup)
Paso a Paso

Today we want to work on the mobility of our back, mainly on the flexibility of both the sacroiliac joint and the lumbar spine. 
For that specific purpose I have developed exercises which lead even after a short time to more softness and flexibility of tango-typical movements as well as better balance and posture. Additionally, the natural movement improves the rolling of the feet from heel to toe, turns and even musucality.

Sat 28|7|2012 Andrea Savage (Gießen)
Cross over
Don't be cross about me..;-) or: crisscrossing the follower's cross...
Claudia-Constanze Adel (Berlin)
Named after its inventor, Pilates is a wholistic, smooth body training merging elements from Yoga, Tai Chi, dance and Western endurance sports to a unique method.
By using a specific breathing technique, deeper muscle zones are relieved, stretched and reinvigorated. A real "wake-up call" for body, mind and soul improving stamina, circulation and body awareness.

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