Gianpiero Galdi & Lorena Tarantino | ||
Sven Elze & Evi Sofra | Sabine Zubarik & John-Michael Mendizza | |
Gianpiero Galdi & Lorena Tarantino
Gianpiero was only 12 when his father (engineer, martial art teacher and tango lover) involved him in a free project for youngster to approach tango. At 15 he fell in love with tango during his first trip to Buenos Aires and since then he’s been studying with all the major Maestros. His teaching and performing career began the following year in Italy and abroad, and by the time Gianpiero was 18, he realized that he wanted to dedicate his life to tango. Since then, he has travelled and performed with great dancers such as Mila Vigdorova, Corina Herrera, Cesira Miceli and Nadia Hronidu. Before partnering Lorena, Gianpiero created an internationally acclaimed flourishing dialogue and a refined lasting project with Maria Filiali. Tango and his pedagogy are strictly connected to his studies of music, engineering and bio-mechanic as “a simple and efficient technique, based on natural laws and aware listening, as the key to free the real and intimate spirit of tango”. During more than a decade, he has been developing a thorough didactic and intriguing training method. Moreover, in order to deepen his research, he also graduated in Motor and Sports Activities and Psychomotor Education Science with a dissertation on Functional Training Method for Tango; and in 2019 he became trainer of Gyrotonic method.
Lorena has been studying dance and ballet since she was five years old, and at 17 she met Tango thanks to Gianpiero Galdi. She became passionate about the didactic and the care that is dedicated to the delicate psyche of the amateurs of this complex art. Under Gianpiero’s guidance, she undertook her professional path. Meanwhile, she enrolled in a Bachelor Degree in Motor and Sports Activities and Psychomotor Education Science at University of Salerno, in order to deepen her knowledge about motor control and learning, body awareness and pedagogy. In 2015 she begins studying, teaching, performing and traveling in partnership with Giovanni Cocomero, with whom she collaborated in many projects led by Gianpiero as: Gtango School, the cradle of Tango in Salerno; High School Tangotherapy Project, in high dropout rate schools, teaching teenagers values of social relationships through Tango; Tango at University of Salerno, for getting youngsters acquainted into Tango; Tangere company, the group within they train, research, work, teach and perform. In fact, Tangere Company created its latest show “Cammino Ascolto Tango”. In 2019 she became a trainer of Gyrokinesis method.
In 2018, Gianpiero and Lorena began their partnership, working everyday on the flow of tango connection, based on their deep mutual understanding as people, friends and dancers. They are moved by the research on the analysis of an always more precise and effective didactic method, later just called the Method, and its procedures, with the aim of providing the expressive Art of Tango of a sharp, accurate but also meaningful, deep and truthful tool of communication.
Class language: English, Spanish
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Natalia Agüero & Agustin Venturino
From the new Argentine couples, Natalia and Agustin are among the ones that had grown the fastest in the last years. In less than three years, they had participated in more than 87 tango events, in ten countries from America to Europe. Even during their first year European tour, they were called to dance at a Dutch Royalty Award, the "Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Prijs 2016", in the presence of Queen Maxima of The Netherlands.
They began their international journey in 2016, after 13 years of local experience and 10 years of intense researches about tango, its history, its dance, culture, testimony and chats with milongueros. They have also specialized in body language and dance teaching techniques and done studies in the Tango university career at the Art University of Buenos Aires.
Abroad, they have quickly achieved a great recognition thanks to the extraordinary classes where they mix culture, art, history, musicality, dance and technique, getting to transfer highly tango rooted knowledge, without even using figures or sequences.
Their strong studies and works in social integration are many times blend into the milongas and events where they participate. Introducing exercises that leads participants to live a special experience, bringing them closer together to each other, while generating a splendid milonga atmosphere.
Finally, from requests of the most curious students, they have begun to hold lectures where they transfer what they had studied, their researches and talks with milongueros, showing evidence of evolution in tango music and how that affected the dance.
This became their inspiration to start producing audiovisual tango projects that they share through YouTube / Facebook, helping and inspiring dancers and DJ to continue evolving.
Having the opportunity to experience them in person, not only offers the possibility of living a unique and different experience, but also allows you to live the energy, freshness, enthusiasm and personalized treatment of a couple who seek you to learn, have fun, evolve, get inspired and live an unforgettable experience.
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Class language: English, Spanish
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Evi Sofra und Sven Elze leben, tanzen und unterrichten seit vielen Jahren in Berlin. 2021 beschließen ihre Kräfte zu vereinen um ihre gemeinsamen Erkenntnisse aus 35 Jahre Tangoerfahrung an interessierte Tänzerinnen zu vermitteln. Mit ihrer sympathischen, präzisen und inspirierenden Art bringen sie Einflüsse aus Tango Nuevo und dem umarmungsbasierten, musikalischen Stil der Milongas und Marathons zusammen.
Evis lange Beziehung mit dem Tanz hat mit 10 Jahren angefangen, mit klassischem Ballet und später modernem und zeitgenossischem Tanz. Tango kam 2006 rein zufällig in ihr Leben und hat es für immer verändert. In diesem Tanz hat sie ein umfassendes Erlebnis gefunden: die Verbindung, den Ausdruck, den sozialen Aspekt, den kulturellen Flair. Durch den Unterricht mit verschiedenen Maestros, sowohl Argentiniern als auch Europäern, schätzt sie die Individualität des Tanzes auf Basis einer gemeinsamen Technik. Seit 2012 wohnt sie in Berlin und unterrichtet in Nou Mitte mit verschiedenen Partnern. In ihren Kursen unterrichtet sie primär sozialen Tango und fokusiert auf die Verbindung und die Musikalität. Sie sieht den Tanz als einen Dialog zwischen gleichwertigen Partnern und hilft ihren Schülern beider Rollen die eigene Sprache zu entwickeln.
Sven gestaltet seit 2004 als Tänzer, Lehrer, Musiker, Organisator & Initiator maßgeblich die Berliner Tangoszene mit, lernt und unterrichtet er 2004-2012 im Berliner Studio „MalaJunta“, hat Unterricht bei über 50 verschiedenen Tango-Lehrern, tritt mit dem Trio „Mordisco Tango“ auf bereist mit dem Jazz Tango Worldmusic Ensemble „bassa“ die Nation.
Ab 2012 beginnt die Zeit der Organisation und Entwicklung von neuen Konzepten und Praktiken zur Popularisierung des Tango. Besonders die Kreuzberger „Milonga Popular“ (in Buenos Aires „La Popu“ genannt), die KitKatClub-Party „intimacy - Tango Fantasy Fiesta“ und die Organisation des „EMBRACE Berlin Tango Festival 2014-2019“ sind dabei hervorzuheben.
Für den Film „Tanze Tango mit mir“ berät er als Coach die gesamte Produktion, castet alle Tänzer und Tanzrollen, trainiert die Hauptdarsteller und spielt als Schauspieler selbst mit. In dieser Arbeit kulminieren seine reichen kulturellen Erfahrungen mit dem Talent effektiv ein persönlich zugeschnittenes Training zu entwickeln das sowohl kurzfristig als auch nachhaltig persönliche Transformation bewirkt.
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Class language: German, English!
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Sabine Zubarik & John-Michael Mendizza
Sabine and John-Michael teach together in Erfurt and other places in Germany as well as in the US. They also both DJ at various events.
Sabine’s main interest is didactics; she organizes the annual TangoTeacherMeeting in Erfurt now in its 9th year, and leads courses for teachers. In addition, she researches tango academically.
John-Michael and Sabine teach close as well as open embrace. With uncomplicated step material they try to convey a feeling for musical dancing.
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Class language: German, English
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