date | Topical Classes Main Hall | Topical Classes Main Hall | Topical Classes Main Hall | Beginner Classes Small Hall | Technical Classes Small Hall | Topical Classes Small Hall |
Sa. 19 Juli | Homer & Clarisa Baby Back Ochos (Beg/I) small but nice.. 12:00 -01:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ fully booked |
Chloe & Dionisis The Crowded Dancefloor Voleo (I) socially performed in a refined space. 02:00 -03:30 ♂ only one place left ♀ 2 places left |
Horacio & Michael Playful Sandwich Variations (I) it only looks easy ... 04:00 -05:30 ♂ 2 places left ♀ 4 places left |
Horacio & Michael The Cross - anything but a simple step (Beg/I) with decoration for both parties - dancing exactly to the music 12:00 -01:30 ♂ 6 places left ♀ 8 places left |
Clarisa The Four Corners (T) how we use our feet to find our dance floor. 02:00 -03:30 fully booked |
Sabine & John-Michael Let's go! (Beg) 04:00 -05:30 ♂ 8 places left ♀ 10 places left |
So. 20 Juli | Clarisa & Homer Rebotes for Tango, Vals, and Milonga (I/A) leading, timing, technique of a wonderful move 12:00 -01:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ fully booked |
Chloe & Dionisis Whisper & Shout (I) sequences with different dynamic 02:00 -03:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ 6 places left |
Horacio & Michael Colgada Basics (I) structure and how to develop 04:00 -05:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ fully booked |
Horacio & Michael Ocho Cortado (I/A) spiral ocho cortado with decoration 12:00 -01:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ only one place left |
Homer The Subtleties of Axis (T) how to have a stable axis and to use it intentionally 02:00 -03:30 fully booked |
Sabine & John-Michael In many tracks but of one mind (Beg) torsion, synchronisation, changing tracks 04:00 -05:30 ♂ 8 places left ♀ 10 places left |
Mo. 21 Juli | Clarisa & Homer Turn Wraps (A) get wrapped in turns... 12:00 -01:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ fully booked |
Chloe & Dionisis Social Colgadas (I/A) how can it be performed in a refined space. 02:00 -03:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ only one place left |
Horacio & Michael Soltada (I) developing it out on "nothing" 04:00 -05:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ 5 places left |
Sonja & David Tango Fusion (all) a merge of contact improvisation and freestyle dance for experimenting Tangueros 12:00 -01:30 fully booked |
Sonja Women Technique (T) can what you can! 02:00 -03:30 fully booked |
Sabine & John-Michael Pleasur-mode Ocho (Beg) Isolation and spiralling; half time and pauses; back ochos 04:00 -05:30 ♂ 6 places left ♀ 9 places left |
Di. 22 Juli | Clarisa & Homer The Volcada Odyssey (I/A) Volcadas everywhere 12:00 -01:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ fully booked |
Chloe & Dionisis Colgadas with Change of Direction (A) surprises & wow effects 02:00 -03:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ fully booked |
Horacio & Michael Tiny Colgadas (A) playful colgadas on a crowded dance floor 04:00 -05:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ 2 places left |
Sonja & David Tango Fusion (all) change of leadership for fun at the joint movement beyond questions of style 12:00 -01:30 fully booked |
David Leader's Technique (T) the male role in argentine tango 02:00 -03:30 fully booked |
Sabine & John-Michael Rhythm rocks! (Beg) differentiated weight transfer; Milonga; rock step 04:00 -05:30 ♂ 6 places left ♀ 8 places left |
Mi. 23 Juli | Clarisa & Homer The Hook Behind Volcada (I/A) something special for today... 12:00 -01:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ fully booked |
Clarisa & Homer Hurricane & Co (I/A) single-axis turns - compact social solgadas 02:00 -03:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ fully booked |
Chloe & Dionisis Rhythm is it! (I) awesome sequences from simple steps 04:00 -05:30 ♂ only one place left ♀ 5 places left |
Horacio & Michael From Close to Open (A) Gancho out of axis with Colgada-Voleo 12:00 -01:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ 5 places left |
Chloe Communication between Partners (T) posture, torsion and walk in parallel and cross systems 02:00 -03:30 9 places left |
Sabine & John-Michael Round and round! (Beg) Circular Movements; Vals; change of direction 04:00 -05:30 ♂ 8 places left ♀ 8 places left |
Do. 24 Juli | Clarisa & Homer I got you, babe! (I/A) close embrace surprises 12:00 -01:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ fully booked |
Clarisa & Homer A screw loose? (I/A) Enrosques for leaders & followers 02:00 -03:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ fully booked |
Chloe & Dionisis Boom Chick Chick (I) rhythmical sequences in Vals 04:00 -05:30 ♂ 2 places left ♀ 4 places left |
Horacio & Michael Surprise in a double (A) leader's Gancho in a surprising change of direction of the follower 12:00 -01:30 ♂ 2 places left ♀ 6 places left |
Dionisis Adornos (T) super"fluous" stuff for men and women 02:00 -03:30 fully booked |
Sabine & John-Michael Tangoing in two parts (Beg) Separate weight changes; polyphony; experiments in crossed system 04:00 -05:30 ♂ 6 places left ♀ 7 places left |
Fr. 25 Juli | Clarisa & Homer Give it to me! (I/A) one social over-turned Gancho 12:00 -01:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ 2 places left |
Clarisa & Homer The Felipe Reverse Ocho Cortado (I) The very reverse! 02:00 -03:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ fully booked |
Chloe & Dionisis Milonga Traspie (I/A) interesting steps and combinations with Traspie 04:00 -05:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ fully booked |
Chloe & Dionisis Giro & contra-giro (I/A) with emphasis on rhythm 12:00 -01:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ only one place left |
Horacio Connection within the couple (T) transferring energy in leading 02:00 -03:30 7 places left |
Sabine & John-Michael Polishing our Tango (Beg) Intention & interpretation of movements: Clear, prezice lead, smooth movement and beautiful answers 04:00 -05:30 ♂ 9 places left ♀ 9 places left |
Sa. 26 Juli | Clarisa & Homer Follower's Over-Turned Sacadas (I/A) 12:00 -01:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ fully booked |
Clarisa & Homer A Theory of Alterations (I/A) abridged edition on 74 pages ;-) 02:00 -03:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ fully booked |
Chloe & Dionisis Twistable? (I/A) Enrosques for women and men 04:00 -05:30 ♂ fully booked ♀ 6 places left |
Chloe & Dionisis Giro & contra-giro (I/A) with lyrical sequences 12:00 -02:30 ♂ 3 places left ♀ 7 places left |
Michael Phone Box Tango (T) dance technique for a crowded dance floor 02:00 -03:30 4 places left |
Sabine & John-Michael Crossed devotion! (Beg) corresponding torsos; prases; front cross in variations 04:00 -05:30 ♂ 11 places left ♀ 9 places left |
Our classes are exclusive for our camp bookers.
Beg - Beginners, I - Intermediate, A - Advanced, Basic - Basic work class, All - All levels
Basic Classes
We believe that dancing nicely depends less on the number of complicated steps than
on a good and subtle technique. Therefore, we offer daily basic classes dealing with
the grass roots of the Tango.
If not stated otherwise, these classes are independant of your level, your dancing experience or
your preference for leading or following. Mainly, you practise as single, if there
are paired exercises, pairs come together within the class. The number of participants is
limited to make sure you get an intensive mentoring.
Please look up the class languages at our teachers site.
All teachers are able to speak english - so don't hesitate to ask if
there's something you haven't understood. Please help each other translating explanations.
Private Lessons
If you want to book individual lessons, please arrange a time slot with the particular
teacher and talk to us concerning the room. Please, pay the fee for these lessons in
the office.